Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Double Dollar Days!

Why should you have to wait for Black Friday to get a great deal? We don't think you should have to wait.....or have to deal with the crowds or long lines either. Which is why we are offering Double Dollar Days!

Now's the perfect time to give the gift of portraiture and memories this Christmas, because our gift certificates are on sale for the NEXT 3 DAYS ONLY!! Save 50% on any gift certificate you buy! Buy a $50 certificate, pay $25...a $100 certificate, pay $50. You get the idea! Makes a great gift for that person who's difficult to shop for...not to mention you look awesome for buying them a great gift (don't worry, we won't tell how much you really spent)! These certificates can be used for any new regular portrait, children, seniors, etc. And they can be spent on anything we offer for regular portrait sessions, with the exception of custom framing!

If you wish to order a gift certificate, just send an email to with the following information:

  • Your name and mailing address (so we can send you the certificate, if you wish to have it mailed to you).
  • the dollar amount of the gift certificate you wish to purchase. You will be required to pay for your certificate by PayPal. We will send you an invoice to the email address you use to send us your order.
  • the name of the person who will be receiving the certificate (we can leave it blank if you wish)
That's all there is to it! As always, if there are any questions, feel free to contact me by Facebook, email or phone!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Just a bit about the photographer :)

In the day to day rush to get things done, take care of customers and orders, and post new information, I've realized that while I learn things about my clients through their photographic experiences with us, they might not know very much about me. And I find that when I do business with someone, I like to have the personal connection. It makes me feel like I know I'll be taken care of. So this blog is just a little blip about me and my family, and how I got started in this crazy business I love.

For those who don't know, I am currently a home-based portrait photographer living in Dixon, Kentucky. Don't let the work-from-home thing fool you....I have dedicated space for my business, so you don't have to worry about walking into the living room to see the toys and all the "stuff" lying around. ;) I live here with my husband of a little over a year (we're still newlyweds! LOL) and our two daughters, ages 9 and 7 (going on 16 and 20). With the exception of my time overseas, I have lived in Dixon for over 16 years. I love the small town life, and the fact that my girls aren't getting lost in the shuffle of the big city. I feel really lucky to be able to raise my girls in a town like Dixon, where we are lucky to have great people be a part of our lives.

I am a veteran of the US Army, in both Active Duty and Reserves. I was stationed in Germany for my active duty time, and got to travel quite a bit, which I loved but was really grateful to come home and settle back into a normal life. The military gave me the opportunity to travel and to go to school that I might not have had otherwise, plus it gave me confidence to be able to start my business. :)

People often ask how I got started in photography. Well, I loved taking pictures even as a kid....I know, I know, everyone says that, but it's true. I remember being about the ages of my daughters and having one of those flat little cameras that took the weird looking film....I took that thing everywhere. Anyway, when my oldest daughter was born, there were no portrait studios on base, and my German wasn't that great to go elsewhere, so I began to study different techniques so that I would have pictures to send back home to my family. When I came back home after I was discharged, I went back to school for my degree in business, and began taking pictures for friends and family, and things just kind of took off from there, with the help of hard work and determination. I've been in business about 6 years now. My work is mainly with children and families, but I also photograph high school seniors and weddings. I am constantly seeking information and learning new things in order to make my work better than ever.

And that's pretty much me in a nutshell. :) I love meeting and talking with new people, so drop by the Facebook page or give us a call sometime....would love to hear from you!


Friday, November 12, 2010

E-Session: Mark & Rebecca

I truly enjoyed the engagement session I had the other day with Mark & Rebecca! A very laid back couple, they were up for anything and pitched a few ideas of their own. I look forward to not only shooting Rebecca's bridals, but their upcoming wedding as well!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Townsend Family

What a great family! I enjoyed this session so much, and the colors of the fall leaves are absolutely beautiful. I love doing outdoor sessions anyway, but the images from these have to be at the top of my list of favorites. :)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

a perfect time?

This post and its images are from the blog of photographer Deb Schwedhelm (, and I love the message, so I thought I'd pass it along. It's about how there is never a perfect time for family photos, and how even though the circumstances might not be ideal at the time, you and your family will be glad you did them. :)

* * * * * *

is there a perfect time?

May 13, 2010

a friend posed this question today on her facebook wall: what is holding you back from booking a family photo session?

quite a few women (moms) quickly commented that their weight is holding them back, which made me really sad. and a few posted money, which i understand but i also believe that there’s enough photographers out there to cover everybody’s budget.

this all led me to thinking about the perfect time.

is there ever a perfect time to have photographs taken of your family?

i posted on our wallflower friends blog today about an awesome article i read, which had the overall theme of taking the time to slow down and appreciate life and the everyday beauty that surrounds us. in a swirly kind of way, i feel what i shared there and what i’m sharing here is totally intertwined.

it’s so easy to say –
i’m too fat.
i have too much going on.
we’re too busy.
maybe next year.

but i just want to say STOP IT! we need to take the time to appreciate the value of family photos, if not for ourselves (because we’re too fat or whatever), then for our children. in 20 years, your children are not going to say,

i really love this photo of my family but i wish my mom had waited until she lost some weight.

and i think about steve’s mom, who died when she was 40, only months after being diagnosed with breast cancer. steve was five at the time she passed away. he cherishes every single photo of his mom (not just the ones where she was thin, beautiful and looked perfect).

and kirsten sandstrom, who recently passed away at the age of 37, leaving behind a husband and three young boys. i don’t think for one second that those boys will look at photographs of their mom (who pre-cancer probably wished she could have lost some weight) and see her as anything except the most amazing and beautiful mom there ever was.

we never know what tomorrow will bring our way. and life is quickly racing by; before we know it, our kids will be grown and leaving the house.


i hope that this will inspire someone, who might be waiting for that perfect time or to lose a couple of pounds, to book a photographer…today!

and let us all try to slow down, remember what’s important and see and hear the everyday beauty that surrounds us. © deb schwedhelm | tampa family photographer

Monday, September 13, 2010

LayAway Program

So, I know the holidays are a little way off, but let's face it: money can be a little tight. We understand this, which is why we offer a LayAway Program. Simply sign an agreement at the time you place your order to pay your account over 2, 4, or 6 months, and you will receive your statement in the mail each month telling you when your payment is due. You can pay by cash at the studio, by check through the mail, or you can opt to pay your account by PayPal online. As you can see, we are pretty flexible with our options! Once your account is paid in full, your order will complete processing and will be available for pickup or shipping. Also, if you are buying portraits or products for Christmas gifts, we not only will hold your order for you until December 22nd, we'll even gift wrap it for you at no charge if you request it! No muss, no fuss, one less thing to worry about, and more time to spend with your loved ones. And isn't that what the holidays are all about? :)

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Alex & Meagan Harvey - July 10, 2010

Congratulations to the new Mr & Mrs Harvey! Today was a picture perfect day for your wedding, and it was both an honor and a pleasure to be there to share it with you. I hope that you have many happy years together!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

It's all about value....

A friend of mine posted this on Facebook today, and I really liked the message it had. It's from the blog of Clair Alyse Photography (original blog post is here). It's called If I Were You.

If I were you..

July 1, 2010

I promise I’m not trying to be smart… I mean it literally. If I were you, the client. Well, a potential client actually. Here’s what might be on my mind.

“I want professional photos of my family, but my brother’s friend’s cousin’s daughter’s babysitter just got a really nice camera and she’ll take photos of us and give me a disk of all the images for only $90. She has a website, so she is legit.”

Here is an analogy for you:

I have bad hair. It’s too thick, it’s sorta curly, sorta wavy, frizzy and a bad ashy brown color. My brother’s friend’s cousin’s daughter’s babysitter Jackie will cut, weave and blow dry my hair for $90. My other option is going to Jeff the hair stylist at the salon across the street. He charges me $250 for a cut, weave and blow dry. I decide to try both.

I’m sitting in Jackie’s laundry room waiting for her to gather her things when I realize she’s going to wash my hair in the utility sink. Leaning over the sink kneeling on a folding chair proves a little difficult, she gets shampoo in my eye and water drips down my neck into my shirt. We go in the house and she sits me down in her dining room, her husband is sitting on the couch watching Nascar and drinking a 40. He leans forward to grab a bag of chips and I notice his butt-crack. I remind myself that Jackie only charges $90, she probably can’t afford to rent a station in a salon, so I divert my eyes and forgive her. She begins to cut my hair. It seems to be taking quite awhile. She looks a little nervous. I remember that she’s still fairly new to cutting hair. I rationalize that she’s still better than I’d be at it, after all. Plus, she has like 500 fans on her Facebook page, and that has to mean something, right? Jackie disappears to mix my color. She’s gone for a long time. I get nervous that she doesn’t know what she’s doing. What if she screws it up and my hair falls out? I start to wonder… maybe there is a REASON why she only charges $90. Is that the only way she can get clients? Then Jackie weaves a beautiful blond into my hair. I try to forget about my nerves and begin to get excited. A cut and color for only 90 bucks, I can’t wait to show everyone my hair! She finishes up the blow dry and I turn to the mirror to discover its really yellow and brassy. The cut is a uneven and boxy. I take a deep breath and calm myself down. Well, it looks better than it did before, I guess, and I only paid $90. The next day I meet up with some girlfriends for drinks. No one says anything about my hair, and I’m afraid to ask what they think because I know it just looks average, or maybe even bad. I feel disappointed. $90 seemed like such a great deal.

I suppose it’s only a deal if the value is greater than $90.

Two months pass and I find myself sitting at Jeff’s station in the salon across the street. The receptionist offers me a cold drink and the most recent issue of People magazine. Jeff comes over introduces himself and asks me what I’d like to accomplish today. We talk for a few minutes about the specific color of blond I’m looking for. He asks me questions about how I style my hair, what I like, what I don’t like, and tells me a little about whats in style right now. Jeff seems as excited as I am for my new look. I look around to see all the latest flat irons, blow dryers, collections of brushes and combs. Jeff rattles off instructions to his assistant while examining my hair and she’s back in a jiffy with 4 bowls of color. As Jeff begins to weave in and out of my hair with light blond and medium honey and chestnut brown I close my eyes and listen to the calming music on the satellite radio. I feel relaxed and confident. I trust him. I sit with my hair under the dryer and once again I’m offered a cold drink and a magazine. Jeff comes over to inspect the progression of the color. He exclaims how perfect it looks and brings me to the shampoo station. There is a big cushy leather recliner. I put my head back and he begins to wash. The shampoo smells like mint and lavender and he spends an extra few minutes on a mini scalp massage. Jeff dries and styles my hair with ease. When he’s finished he spins my chair around and I hardly recognize myself in the mirror. I look like I belong in a fashion magazine. The cut frames my face perfectly. It’s sassy with a hint of modern, just the right amount to suit my style. The color shimmers as I turn my head. It seems almost as if there are thousands of shades of blond intertwined throughout the locks of hair. It reminds me of what my hair looked like when I was little, after spending all summer in the sun. I feel proud. I meet up with some friends for lunch the next day. They must have commented on my hair 10 times. One of them demanded Jeff’s phone number and asked me how much he charged. “$250″, I told her. She replied, “Well it looks a-MAZE-ing, what a great deal.”

The $90 Jackie charged me wasn’t a great deal. The $250 Jeff charged me was. How is that possible? They both gave me a cut, weave and blow dry.

The difference was the experience and the quality. The $250 that Jeff charged me included a cold diet coke, and comfy chair, state of the art equipment and supplies, experience, knowledge, and a quality product. It included a feeling of pride and excitement that lasted until it was time to return for more. The $90 Jackie charged me included cheap dye, dull scissors, a wet shirt and a butt-crack.

When I thought about it later, I thought, well wouldn’t it be great to find someone who was somewhere in between, you know, someone who is amazing and cheap? But the problem is there is no such thing as in between. When someone offers quality, they have to charge for it, they have to cover the cost of running the business, continuing education, supplies, marketing, and they have to cut themselves a paycheck. Otherwise they are not running a business, they are the proud President of a Non-Profit Organization.

So if you find yourself presented with what seems like a “great deal” for your family photos, ask yourself if the $90 is worth an experience with Jackie. Personally, as a client, I’d rather pay $250 for an experience that feels priceless, than waste $90 on something sub par. Value is a magical thing.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

WCHS Senior Model slideshows

Alysha and Christy are the studio's Senior Model reps for WCHS Class of 2011! We had a fun day of shooting their pictures, and here are their photo slideshows to prove it.....enjoy!!

Create your own video slideshow at

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