I'm not what one would call a girly-girl. I generally don't wear much make-up. Eyeliner, mascara, and occasionally some lip-gloss. So any help from digital make-up is most definitely welcome. :) Here is the before image, with only basic color correction applied. The only makeup I have on is eyeliner and mascara (not that you can even tell!).
Here's the after. I cleaned up the stray hairs, did some basic shaping (the shirt I was wearing was a bit big so I brought it down in size a bit), some skin retouching/softening and applied digital make-up. I now have an image I would (and probably will) post on Facebook.
And the side-by-sides so that you can REALLY see the different retouching and digital make-up can make!
As you can see, blemishes and fine lines can be removed, the skin smoothed and softened for a more flattering look, and digital makeup can be applied to enhance features such as the eyes. We do some degree of retouching and/or digital make-up to every final image we put out for our customers, so that they can show off images that make them look (and feel) their best. :)