Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Just a bit about the photographer :)

In the day to day rush to get things done, take care of customers and orders, and post new information, I've realized that while I learn things about my clients through their photographic experiences with us, they might not know very much about me. And I find that when I do business with someone, I like to have the personal connection. It makes me feel like I know I'll be taken care of. So this blog is just a little blip about me and my family, and how I got started in this crazy business I love.

For those who don't know, I am currently a home-based portrait photographer living in Dixon, Kentucky. Don't let the work-from-home thing fool you....I have dedicated space for my business, so you don't have to worry about walking into the living room to see the toys and all the "stuff" lying around. ;) I live here with my husband of a little over a year (we're still newlyweds! LOL) and our two daughters, ages 9 and 7 (going on 16 and 20). With the exception of my time overseas, I have lived in Dixon for over 16 years. I love the small town life, and the fact that my girls aren't getting lost in the shuffle of the big city. I feel really lucky to be able to raise my girls in a town like Dixon, where we are lucky to have great people be a part of our lives.

I am a veteran of the US Army, in both Active Duty and Reserves. I was stationed in Germany for my active duty time, and got to travel quite a bit, which I loved but was really grateful to come home and settle back into a normal life. The military gave me the opportunity to travel and to go to school that I might not have had otherwise, plus it gave me confidence to be able to start my business. :)

People often ask how I got started in photography. Well, I loved taking pictures even as a kid....I know, I know, everyone says that, but it's true. I remember being about the ages of my daughters and having one of those flat little cameras that took the weird looking film....I took that thing everywhere. Anyway, when my oldest daughter was born, there were no portrait studios on base, and my German wasn't that great to go elsewhere, so I began to study different techniques so that I would have pictures to send back home to my family. When I came back home after I was discharged, I went back to school for my degree in business, and began taking pictures for friends and family, and things just kind of took off from there, with the help of hard work and determination. I've been in business about 6 years now. My work is mainly with children and families, but I also photograph high school seniors and weddings. I am constantly seeking information and learning new things in order to make my work better than ever.

And that's pretty much me in a nutshell. :) I love meeting and talking with new people, so drop by the Facebook page or give us a call sometime....would love to hear from you!
