Saturday, December 31, 2011

Kaitlyn - Spirit Model

Spirit Models are current high school sophomores and juniors. They model for us when we have projects, as well as sending referrals. They also go on to become Senior Models during their senior year! If you are interested in becoming a spirit model, be sure to ask Kaitlyn how to join her! 

"Like" Senior Class by Heather Slater Photography on Facebook for more info!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Ms. S - newborns

We did maternity portraits for Sophie's mom and dad not too long ago, and couldn't WAIT for her to come along so we could do her newborns! She is definitely the jewel of her daddy's eye! :)

Ms. L - newborns

We L-O-V-E newborn babies, and we've had two new little ones in the studio in the past week! First to visit was Ms L.  She was tiny, but modeled like a pro! ;)  Thanks to her Mom and Dad (and Grandmas, who came along for the session) for bringing her to us!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Dixon ABA Girls Basketball

 Got the chance to spend the evening photographing the girls' basketball teams for Dixon Elementary.  Some of these girls are a riot! :)  Big thanks to commissioner Jamie Shadrick for giving me the opportunity to work with your group! Take a peek at some of the individual images we shot....oh, and be sure to check out the magazine cover and poster designs at the end!

Micah - Christmas

One of my favorite guys to photograph, because you just never know what Micah will say or do! His mom had this idea for the lights and I absolutely LOVED how they came out....and they were very Micah! I can't wait to see the final cards printed!

Waiting for Sophie

Sophie's family is excited and ready for her arrival! They came in to document this special time, and we look forward to photographing Ms Sophie upon her arrival!

Papineau family

I got the chance to visit with some friends from high school when they came by with their little boy for some outdoor fall photos.  That baby is too cute, and HAPPY! :)  Made my job easy!

Bradford family - Christmas

Kyah and her parents were back to do their family Christmas photos for their cards! As usual, Ms Kyah was absolutely darling and looked festive in the outfits her mom brought along!

The Leath Girls - Christmas

I've known and photographed both of these adorable girls since they were in diapers, and still can't get over how big they are now! They came in and helped me "decorate" my tree during their session....they are so cute!

Govanna & Chris - E-session

We shot Chris and Govanna's outdoor engagement session on a  very windy day, but we managed to make the best of it! Best wishes to them on their wedding day!

Billy & Ashton - Christmas

Billy and Ashton came in to do a session for some Christmas cards!  They were a fun, easy-going couple and I enjoyed doing their portraits. :)

Newborn session: Mr. Mason

Mason's mom and dad were nice enough to bring their little guy in so that we can try out some new ideas and props/backdrops.  What a cutie (and look at all that hair)!